Wal-Mart Janitors Try Again to Bring Class Action Suit Over Wages, Hours

By Charles Toutant

After a federal judge de-certified a class action alleging that Wal-Mart took advantage of illegal aliens and failed to properly pay them by locking them into stores and requiring them to work overtime without, plaintiffs have rbrought new class-action suits making the same allegations unde the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Our Chicago attorneys are experienced in handling all kinds of employment litigation for individual and class action lawsuits including race and sex discrimination cases as well as unpaid overtime and wage claims. In our work as nationwide and Chicago wage and hour attorneys, we frequently see workers who have been misclassified as exempt from overtime. Whether this was an honest mistake or an intentional attempt to save money, it effectively “steals” wages from the misclassified employees. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso stands up for the rights of workers in Chicago, Illinois and throughout the country who are victims of overtime wage theft, including misclassified employees as well as those pressured to work off the clock; lie on timesheets; or simply not paid an overtime rate. Our Waukegan, Elgin, and Milwaukee unpaid overtime lawyers handle both individual and class action employment cases. Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Ill., our Chicago Fair Labor Standard’s Act attorneys represent clients throughout Illinois, the Midwest and the United States.

Our Naperville, Illinois consumer rights private law firm handles individual and class action predatory lending, unfair debt collection, lemon law and other consumer fraud cases that government agencies and public interest law firms such as the Illinois Attorney General may not pursue. Class action lawsuits our law firm has been involved in or spear-headed have led to substantial awards totalling over a million dollars to organizations including the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the National Consumer Law Center, and local law school consumer programs. The Chicago consumer lawyers at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso are proud of our achievements in assisting national and local consumer rights organizations obtain the funds needed to ensure that consumers are protected and informed of their rights. By standing up to consumer fraud and consumer rip-offs, and in the right case filing consumer protection lawsuits and class-actions you too can help ensure that other consumers’ rights are protected from consumer rip-offs and unscrupulous or dishonest practices.

Our Aurora consumer attorneys provide assistance in fair debt collection, consumer fraud and consumer rights cases including in Illinois and throughout the country. You can click here to see a description of the some of the many individual and class-action consumer cases we have handled. A video of our lawsuit which helped ensure more fan friendly security at Wrigley Field can be found here. You can contact one of our Chicago consumer protection lawyers who can assist in lemon law, unfair debt collection, predatory lending, wage claims, unpaid overtime and other consumer, consumer fraud or consumer class action cases by filling out the contact form at the side of this blog or by clicking here.

About the Lemon Law — powered by eHow.com

Our Chicago auto-fraud lawyers focus on bringing suit for auto-fraud claims. We recently settled a suit involving purchase of $9,000 used car that was in reality 3 different cars welded together for $100,000. Our fees come from the recovery and we only get paid if we win or settle your case. We have has similar large six figure or near six figure settlements for clients who purchased certified used cars that in fact were rebuilt wrecks.

If you believe you purchased a motorcycle, car, rv or other product that is a lemon, have been a victim of auto fraud, auto dealer fraud, auto repair fraud or have been deceived into buying a flood car, rebuilt wreck or salvage vechicle Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso may be able to help rectify the problem. We or experienced co-counsel are prepared to file suit in the right case in the Chicago area or anywhere in the country. For a free consultation on your rights as an employee, contact us today.

A federal court in Kansas denied Bank of America motion to dismiss an unpaid overtime lawsuit brought by the Bank’s call center employees.

The call center employees claim Bank of America forced them to work without pay during meal breaks and before and after their regular hours due to laying off too many employees and under staffing decisions designed to lower costs and increase the Bank’s profits. The lawsuits brings class-action claims under the laws of different states and collective action claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

To read the Court’s opinion click here.


A New York City federal court has allowed Chevron to depose the opposing plaintiffs’ attorney judge. The Court took this unusual step in the toxic tort case against Chevron involving oil contamination in Lago Agrio, Ecuador. Most court’s generally bar the litigants from deposing opposing counsel calling it harrassment.

Judge Kaplan found that there was evidence in video out takes from a documentary film about criminal prosecutions arising from the contaimination claims that made it appear as if Plaintiffs’ counsel, Donziger had worked with an expert in Ecuador to cause Chevron’s lawyers from Gibson Dunn & Crutcher to be indicted there on criminal charges.

Judge Kaplan ruled: “The outtakes contain substantial evidence that Donziger and others were involved in ex parte contacts with the court to obtain appointment of the expert; met secretly with the supposedly neutral and impartial expert prior to his appointment and outlined a detailed work plan for the plaintiffs’ own consultants; and wrote some or all of the expert’s final report that was submitted to the Lago Agrio court and the Prosecutor General’s Office, supposedly as the neutral and independent product of the expert.”

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In our work as Illinois and nationwide wage and hour attorneys, we frequently see workers who have been misclassified as exempt from overtime. Whether this was an honest mistake or an intentional attempt to save money, it effectively “steals” wages from the misclassified employees. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso stands up for the rights of workers in Chicago, Illinois and throughout the country who are victims of overtime wage theft, including misclassified employees as well as those pressured to work off the clock; lie on timesheets; or simply not paid an overtime rate. Our Oak Brook, Waukegan and Chicago unpaid overtime lawyers handle both individual and class action employment cases. Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Ill., our Chicago Fair Labor Standard’s Act attorneys represent clients throughout Illinois, the Midwest and the United States.


In our work as Chicago overtime attorneys we frequently see workers who have been misclassified as exempt from overtime. Whether this was an honest mistake or an intentional attempt to save money, it effectively “steals” wages from the misclassified employees. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso stands up for the rights of workers in Chicago, Illinois and throughout the country who are victims of overtime wage theft, including misclassified employees as well as those pressured to work off the clock; lie on timesheets; or simply not paid an overtime rate. Our Oak Brook, Northbrook, Aurora, Elgin, Joliet and Chicago unpaid overtime lawyers handle both individual and class action employment cases. Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Ill., our Chicago Fair Labor Standard’s Act lawyers represent clients throughout Illinois, the Midwest and the United States.


National Class Action Status Granted in Conseco Life Insurance Case
By Petra Pasternak
October 26, 2010
Instead on alleging fraud based on state consumer fraud statutes this article explains that this class action against Conseco relies on a breach of contract claim for the life insurance carrier’s alleged failure to honor the terms of similar life insurance policies. The article describes the Federal Judge Ilston’s decision to approve class certification because Judge Ilston concluded contract law is subtantially the same in throughout the different States:

The plaintiffs alleged that Conseco was breaching nearly 10,000 “LifeTrend” insurance policies … including improper premium charges and improper deductions from policyholders’ accounts — could result in losses of tens of thousands of dollars per policyholder. …
Conseco tried to smack down class certification … But Illston wrote that Conseco was exaggerating any variations when it came to breach-of-contract.
“Contrary to Conseco’s representations, several courts have recognized that the law relating to the element of breach does not vary greatly from state to state,” Illston wrote.

This trend to to allow use of contract law to obtain national class certification is a breath of fresh air. Class actions are the only way to protect against this type of mass breach of contract by a large insurer. Absent a national class action many victims in smaller states would obtain no redress.

You can read the entire article by clicking here.

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Market Watch reports that two Dollar Tree employees have brought a collective action under the Fair Labor Standards Act for alleged failure to pay overtime and minimum wages.

To view the full article click here.

If you believe you might be part of a class of employees forced to work off the clock or have othewise been denied overtime pay, Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso may be able to help your pursue your own overtime class action. For a free consultation on your rights as an employee, contact us today.

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