NRP Reports: Using Your BlackBerry Off-Hours Could Be Overtime

NPR reports:

Can’t put your BlackBerry down? Your boss may come to dread that if you’re working while you’re off the clock. A police sergeant in Chicago is suing the city. He says he’s due plenty of overtime back pay because he logged in on his BlackBerry to continue working even though his shift was over.

The Chicago overtime lawyers at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represent employees from all industries, jobs and backgrounds in claims for unpaid overtime pay. Federal law makes overtime a right — not a privilege that can be denied in order to save money for the employer. Nonetheless, too many employers tighten their belts by essentially stealing labor from their employees, by shaving hours off timecards, pressuring employees to work off the clock or incorrectly classifying them as exempt from overtime. Our Wheaton, Ill. employee rights attorneys handle both individual and class-action lawsuits from workers who are ready to stand up for their rights and collect hundreds or thousands of dollars in unpaid wages. Based in Chicago and its suburbs, we represent or have represented clients throughout Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and all over the United States.

If you believe your labor has been stolen by an employer that consistently refused to pay overtime, the Chicago based attorneys at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso can help. To set up a free consultation with one of our Aurora, Elgin , Waukegan or Chicago unpaid overtime attorneys, call us toll-free at 630-333-0333 or send us an email.

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