
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


To Preserve Your Class Numbers, File Those Class-Certification Motions ASAP!

Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso is a litigation firm with many local clients in the Chicago-land area. Our Oak Park wage and hour attorneys recently came across an interesting case about a class-action filed in the circuit court of Cook County. Lewis v. Giordano’s Enterprises Inc. pits Plaintiff Mina Lewis, an hourly…


Insurance Adjusters Are Managers Within Meaning of FLSA, Appeals Court Rules

  A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia caught the attention of our Illinois overtime rights attorneys. In Robinson-Smith v. Government Employees Insurance Co., No. 08-7146 (D.C. Cir. Jan. 5, 2010), more than 200 auto damage adjusters sued auto insurance company GEICO for…


A Great Video Describing Lemon Law Rights — Our Chicago Trial Attorneys Bring Lemon Law and Auto Fraud Lawsuits

An excellent video summarizing lemon law rights is below: If you believe you purchased a car that is a lemon, have been a victim of auto fraud, auto dealer fraud, auto repair fraud or have been deceived into buying a flood car, rebuilt wreck or salvage vechicle Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso…


Auto Repair Fraud By EZ Lube Charged by California Attorney General — Our Chicago Consumer Attorneys File Consumer Fraud Law Suits for Auto Fraud, Automobile Dealer and Car Dealer Fraud, and Auto Repair Fraud Claims

If you believe you know someone who has been a victim of auto fraud, auto dealer fraud, auto repair fraud or have been deceived into buying a flood car, rebuilt wreck or salvage vechicle Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso may be able to help rectify the problem. We or experienced co-counsel are…


Motorola Sues Former Executive for Moving to Competitor Nokia — Our Chicago Covenant Not to Compete Lawyers Defend and Prosecute Non-Compete and Trade Secret Lawsuits Throughout Illinois

  Our Oak Brook covenant not to compete attorneys were interested to see a major non-compete lawsuit happening right here in Chicago. reported Jan. 19 that wireless telephone giant Motorola sued former executive David Hartsfield in federal court, claiming he will inevitably disclose Motorola’s confidential business information if he…


Lawsuit Alleges Illinois Restaurant Shaved Hours From Servers’ Timecards

  As Chicago employee rights attorneys, we were interested to see what may have been the first unpaid overtime filing of 2010 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Harris v. Cheddar’s Casual Café, No. 20-cv-0045 (N.D. Ill.) was filed Jan. 5 by three former servers…


Court Rules Claim for Negligent Online Security Against Bank May Go Forward

  As Illinois consumer protection attorneys, we were pleased to see that an Illinois federal court has allowed a couple to continue a claim against their bank over a complex billing dispute. David Johnson’s Digital Media Lawyer Blog reported Sept. 2 on the case brought by Marsha and Michael Shames-Yeakel,…


Video By a Forensic Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner Discussing Common Types of Business Fraud — Our Chicago Business Trial Attorneys Bring Suit to Recover Monies Lost by Businesses Due to Fraud and Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Below is a video by a forensic accountant and certified fraud examiner discussing common forms of fraud that cause losses to businesses. The video provides solutions to protecting your business from fraud. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso’s Chicago business trial lawyers have more than two and half decades of experience helping business…


Beware Fake IRS Emails Which Scam Consumers and Businesses — Our Chicago Consumer and Business Fraud Trial Lawyers File Individual and Class Action Suits to Stop Frauds

The below video describes how fake IRS emails are used to scam consumers and businesses.   Our consumer rights and business fraud prevention law firm handles individual and class action unfair debt collection and other consumer fraud cases that government agencies and public interest law firms such as the Illinois…


Video Documentary on Wage Theft Shows That the Practice of Failing to Pay Overtime or Minimum Wages is Widespread — Our Chicago Attorneys Bring Indiviual and Class Action Lawsuits for Unpaid Wages

The below short video documentary shows that wage theft is a real and growing problem. In our work as Illinois and nationwide wage and hour attorneys, we frequently see workers who have been misclassified as exempt from overtime. Whether this was an honest mistake or an intentional attempt to save…

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