
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Public Safety Employers Need Not Notify Workers About Work Period Exemption From FLSA

  Our Naperville wage and hour rights attorneys noted a recent ruling out of Massachusetts that could be important for police officers and firefighters around the United States. In Calvao et al. v. Town of Framingham, No. 09-1648 (1st.Cir. March 17, 2010), the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled…


A Video Providing Some Tips From Attorneys on How to Fire an Employee — Our Chicago Business Law Attorneys Represent Employers and Employees in Wrongful Termination Suits

How to fire someone Our Chicago business law lawyers at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso are dedicated to helping businesses and business people in pursuing and protecting their rights in business lawsuits. To see the the wide variety of business lawsuits our Chicago business trial attorneys have handled click here. You can…


20/20 Reports on Debt Collector Abuse — Our Chicago Consumer Trial Attorneys Stop Debt Collector Abuse

Debt collectors are prohibited by federal law from engaging in deception, extortion, threats, lies, and invading your privacy by calling your friends, neighbors and employers. This video exposes illegal debt collection practices and explains practices which violate the law such claiming that you owe money which is owed by others,…


Video Providing Car Buying and Lemon Law Tips — Our Chicago Lemon Law and Auto Fraud Attorneys File Suit to Protect Consumer Rights

This video provides tips for buying a car and describes some lemon law rights. If you believe you purchased a car that is a lemon, have been a victim of auto fraud, auto dealer fraud, auto repair fraud or have been deceived into buying a flood car, rebuilt wreck or…


News Report Exposes Alleged Improper Debt Collection Practices — This Video Helps Explain Your Rights — Our Chicago Consumer Lawyers Fight to Vindicate Your Fair Debt Collection Rights

Debt collectors will go to great lenghts to trick, intimidate or exort you into paying debts. These tactics are illegal and you can file suit to stop improper debt collector harrassment. This video discusses some alleged violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and then informs you of some…


Seventh Circuit Finds Personal Jurisdiction in Defamation and Tortious Interference Claim

  As Illinois and Chicago business law attorneys, we were interested to see a recent Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinion in an antitrust and trade libel lawsuit filed here in the Northern District of Illinois. In Tamburo v. Dworkin, 2010 WL 1387299 (C.A.7 April 8, 2010), John Tamburo…


Connecticut Court Agrees to Enforce Default Labor Rights For Tobacco Farmworkers Judgment From Puerto Rico

  As Illinois wage and hour rights attorneys, we were interested in a decision establishing the scope of state courts’ right to enforce judgments obtained in other states under the Constitution’s “full faith and credit” clause. Nazario et al. v. O.J. Thrall Inc., et al., 1996 WL 285541 (Conn.Super. 1996)…


Contract Enforceable Despite Unenforceable Covenant Not to Compete, Wisconsin Appeals Court Rules

  Our Chicago non-compete contract litigators also practice in Wisconsin, so we were interested in a decision from that state’s Court of Appeals on the severability of a covenant not to compete. In Frank D. Gillitzer Electric Co., Ltd. v. Marco Anderson et. al., 2010 WI App. 31 (Jan. 20,…


Best Websites to Learn About Consumer Law Issues — Our DuPage, Lake, and Cook County, and Chicago Consumer Attorneys Can Assist You in Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Lawsuits

  Mortgage News Daily has put together a list of resources for Illinois consumers who have been victims of mortgage fraud. You can link to the webpage here. The webpage states: The list of resources below has been compiled for anyone that suspects that they may be a victim of…


Best Websites to Learn About Consumer Law Issues — Our DuPage, Lake, and Cook County, and Chicago Consumer Attorneys Can Assist You in Consumer Fraud and Deception Lawsuits

  The National Association of Consumer Advocates is the premier lawyers organization for pursuit of consumer rights. Its website is one of the best resources for consumer law issues. You can view the website by clicking here. The website has this to say about predatory lending practices: Predatory Lending Practices…

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