
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Second District Declines to Compel Arbitration Based Only on Oral Agreement

Our Illinois alternative dispute resolution lawyers were interested to see an appeals case clarifying that parties can only be compelled to binding arbitration if they have an explicit written contract. In Heider v. Knautz, No. 2-09-0808 (Ill. 2nd Dec.4, 2009), Arlie Heider sued Carl Knautz for injuries arising out of…


CNN Reports: “For-profit college risk: Huge debt, questionable degree”

  For-profit college risk: Huge debt, questionable degree By Stephanie Chen, CNN STORY HIGHLIGHTS A class-action lawsuit alleges Westwood College used deceptive recruitment practices GAO report revealed 15 for-profit universities used deceptive recruiting practices Dane Lockman, 33, took out $40,000 in student loans to pay for Westwood He doesn’t have…


Business Journal Reports: “Overtime lawsuits thrive in Florida’s Recession”

  The Jacksonville Business Journal Reports: “Overtime lawsuits thrive in Florida’s recession” The article states: Like unemployment, home foreclosures and bankruptcies, the number of lawsuits brought by employees alleging unpaid wages is also on the rise. Nine Fair Labor Standards Act cases were filed during the first two weeks of…


Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso’s Oak Brook and Chicago Attorney Peter Lubin Named 2011 Illinois Super Lawyer as Class-Action, Business Litigation and Consumer Rights Attorney

Super Lawyers named Chicago and Oak Brook business trial attorney Peter Lubin a Super Lawyer for 2011 in the Categories of Class Action, Business Litigation and Consumer Rights Litigation. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso’s Oak Brook and Chicago business law attorneys have over a quarter of a century of experience in litigating…


Stephen Breyer: The Court, The Cases And The Conflicts

NPR Reports: “Stephen Breyer: The Court, The Cases And The Conflicts” This fascinating broadcast reveals how Justice Breyer makes decisions through a “living Constitution”. The broadcast states: In Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer outlines his ideas about the Constitution and about the way…


USA Today Reports: “Home Mortgage Modification Snags Spark Class-Action Lawsuits”

    USA Today Reports: Permanent mortgage modifications, which lower mortgage payments have been given to only about a third of the 1.3 million borrowers. The class-action lawsuits allege that the trial payment plans are contracts that obligateBank of America and other servicers to abide by them and to give…


AP reports: “Judge: Movie Studios Can Subpoena Internet Users’ Names, Data In File-Sharing Cases”

  Movie Studios Can Subpoena Internet Users’ Names, Data In File-Sharing Cases AP reports: A federal judge on Friday allowed the holder of a movie copyright to subpoena the names of people accused of illegally downloading and distributing a film over the Internet. Courts have held that Internet subscribers do…


The Wall Street Journal Reports: “A Boom in ‘Overtime’ Lawsuits? Blame Technology”

  A Boom in ‘Overtime’ Lawsuits? Blame Technology The Wall Street Journal reports: It’s something the world is growing accustomed to, for better or worse: the ever-shrinking divide between work and leisure time. Ubiquitous Internet-access, Blackberrys, cell phones — all sort of technological advances — make it easier to take…


Video of What Not to Do at a Deposition

This video compilation of the Bill Gate’s deposition in the United State’s government anti-trust case against Microsoft provides good examples of how not to behave at a deposition. Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Ill., Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represents clients throughout Illinois and across the United States who are involved…


NRP Reports: “HP Sues Ex-CEO Hurd Over Oracle’s Job Offer”

HP Sues Ex-CEO Hurd Over Oracle’s Job Offer by Richard Gonzales NPR reports: Mark Hurd recently was fired from his job as CEO of Hewlett-Packard after a scandal involving an extra-martial relationship. One of HP’s main tech rivals — Oracle — wants to make Hurd its co-president. That’s prompted HP…

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