Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso is a firm of dedicated attorneys who focus on nationwide class action lawsuits. Our firm has successfully prosecuted wage and hour class actions for years and we pride ourselves on getting results. Our Chicagoland area lawyers know the overtime laws and have dealt with the issues that…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
The Times Herald Record Reports: “Orange County Man Leads National Class-Action Suit Against Wristband-Maker”
Snake oil salesman have been around our country for well over a hundred years. With low cost cable and internet advertising readily available the art of selling products that promise the moon but don’t deliver has reached new heights. Add some celebrity endorsements and a clever informercial and the money…
Reuter’s Reports: “B of A to Pay $410 million to Settle Over Draft Lawsuit”
A number of national banks have been facing class-action lawsuits for allegedly misusing over draft fees on checking accounts to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in extra revenues. The way the Banks have achieved this is by reorganizing debits from debit cards by the size of the transaction…
Fourth District Reverses Trial Court for Second Time in Case Pitting Farm Against Neighbors
Our Chicago business emergency attorneys were interested to read an appellate opinion in which the Fourth District Court of Appeal reversed a Sangamon County judge for the second time in the same case. The Rochester Buckhart Action Group v. Young, No. 4-09-0037 (Ill. 4th Sept. 8, 2009) is a…
Biotechnology Company Files Product Defamation Lawsuit Against Financial Journalist
As Chicago Internet product disparagement litigation attorneys, we were interested to see reports about a product disparagement lawsuit filed in early April against financial publication and one of its reporters. Fierce Biotech reported April 7 that Canadian drug maker Generex has sued TheStreet and columnist Adam Feuerstein for…
Detroit Pistons Owner Sues Competitor and Ex Employees for Alleged Trade Secrets Theft
Our Chicago trade secrets attorneys were interested to see a recent trade secrets lawsuit coming from the high-dollar world of professional sports. Palace Sports & Entertainment, owner of the Detroit Pistons basketball team, is suing rival venue and sports company Olympia Entertainment Inc., plus nine ex-employees who moved to…
NPR Reports: “For-Profit Colleges Encouraged Fraud, Used Deceptive Marketing, GAO Reports”
Our Chicago consumer rights attorneys are pursuing and investigating class-action lawsuits against for profit trade schools that have allegedly duped students into taking classes even though there is little or no prospect of the students obtaining work in the field after taking the course. We have obtained class certification in…
NPR Reports: “Holes in Monitoring System Let Lemons Get Resold”
Our Chicago auto-fraud lawyers focus on bringing suit for auto-fraud claims. We recently settled a suit involving purchase of $9,000 used car that was in reality 3 different cars welded together for $100,000. Our fees come from the recovery and we only get paid if we win or settle your…
The New York Law Journal Reports: “Court Certifies Class of Exotic Dancers in Action Over Unpaid Wages”
The New York Law Journal reports that the national strip club chain Rick’s Caberet International, Inc. faces a wage and hour class-action lawsuit by its dancers for allegedly failing to pay wages and requiring the dancers to earn all monies through tips. The New York federal court where the…
Wall Street Journal Reports: “Dead Soul Is a Debt Collector — Deceased Woman’s Name Was Robo-Signed on Thousands of Affidavits”
The Wall Street Journal reports: Martha Kunkle has come back to life.She died in 1995. Yet her signature later appeared on thousands of affidavits submitted by one of the nation’s largest debt collectors, Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc., in lawsuits filed against borrowers. The article describes that Portfolio Recovery Associates…