Across the nation, there are employees who go to work each day and earn overtime wages, but are unaware that they should be getting paid time and a half for the time they work over forty hours each week. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso focuses on wage and hour law, and our…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Southern District of Illinois Federal Court Conditionally Certifies FLSA Overtime Class-Action
Whether intentional or not, many companies implement policies and procedures that create violations of both federal and state wage laws. In our years of practicing law, Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso has seen many such policies, and our Crystal Lake overtime attorneys have helped many previous clients victimized by them. Our lawyers…
Amicus Brief Filed by Illinois Trial Lawyers Association and National Association of Consumer Advocates in Illinois Class Action Appeal Regarding Government Required Processing Fee That is Not in Fact a Government Charge
The Illinois Trial Lawyers Association and the National Association of Consumer Advocates filed an amicus or friend of the Court brief before Illinois’s First District Appellate Court in an appeal in a consumer fraud and breach of contract class action Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso is prosecuting. The brief explains why the…
A New Article On Mandatory Arbitration: The Struggle to Shape American Arbitration
As Chicago business attorneys and Chicago consumer lawyers we were very interested to read the new law review article on the projected impact that mandatory consumer arbritration agreements could have in harming business arbitrations. Agreed upon arbitration of business disputes is a great way to resolve suhc disputes in a…
Illinois District Court Holds that Termination is Not a Wage Reduction under FMLA
We here at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso have extensive experience as Joliet overtime class-action lawyers and are constantly scouring the federal court dockets in Illinois for cases that may help our practice. One particularly instructive opinion was issued by the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division earlier this year in Ottaviano…
Appellate Court Certifies Class-Action in Title Insurance and Consumer Fraud Act Case
The purchase of land is a complex and multi-layered process that presents many opportunities for not only misunderstandings and mistakes, but also fraud and misrepresentations. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso has many attorneys who focus on handling consumer fraud cases, so we are always tracking developments in that field of the law.…
Reuter’s Reports: “Kraft Loses Bid to Keep Distributing Starbucks”
It is very difficult to obtain an injunction when monetary damages can compensate for a business’s losses. A recent article in Reuter’s regarding Kraft Food’s bid to require Starbucks to allow it to continue to distribute Star Buck’s coffee illustrates the point. Reuter’s reports: A federal judge rejected Kraft…
Consumer Law and Policy Blog Reports on New California Supreme Court Opinion Affirming Consumer’s Right to Sue for False Advertising Claims
Consumer Law and Policy Blog reports: In a closely watched case, the California Supreme Court on Thursday issued a decision preserving the broad availability of the state’s principal consumer protection laws in cases involving mislabeled goods.The question at issue in Kwikset v. Superior Court (Benson) was whether a consumer who…
A New Article in the Illinois Bar Journal: “Officers and Directors Can Require Their Corporation to Pay Their Legal Fees”
A new article in the Illinois Bar Journal explains officers and directors rights to the corporation paying for their legal fees and costs when they face litigation for corporate related activities. The article focuses on corporations’ contractual obligations to advance litigation expenses to its directors and officers–even where the…
Courthouse News Reports: “Class Claims AT&T Rigs Bills for iPhones”
Courthouse News Reports: AT&T Mobility faces another federal class action involving its iPhone and iPad services. This one claims that “AT&T’s bills systematically overstate the amount of data used on each data transaction involving an iPhone or iPad account,” and bills customers for data transactions even if they disable their…