The holiday season is a busy time for many corporations and particularly for those tied to the retail industry, increased holiday business usually means that employees have to work longer hours to keep up with consumer demands. Our Aurora overtime attorneys came across a case that illustrates what can happen…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Used Car Dealer Rips Off Military Families
Our Chicago lemon law lawyers focus on bringing suit for auto-fraud claims. We recently settled a suit involving purchase of $9,000 used car that was in reality 3 different cars welded together for $100,000. Our fees come from the recovery and we only get paid if we win or settle…
Confessions from a Car Dealer’s Backroom
Our Oakbrook auto-fraud attorneys focus on bringing suit for auto-fraud claims. We recently settled a suit involving purchase of $9,000 used car that was in reality 3 different cars welded together for $100,000. Our fees come from the recovery and we only get paid if we win or settle your…
Dateline NBC Story on Auto Dealer Fraud and How Not to Buy a Car
Our Chicago auto-fraud attorneys focus on bringing suit for auto-fraud claims. We recently settled a suit involving purchase of $9,000 used car that was in reality 3 different cars welded together for $100,000. Our fees come from the recovery and we only get paid if we win or settle your…
Video On Various Well Worn Frauds, Scams and Tricks Used By Automobile Dealers
Although it is a bit hokey the below video provides useful information on various well worn automobile dealer scams and tricks and how consumers can avoid them. If you have already fallen victim to any of these scams our Chicago lemon law and auto fraud lawyers may be able…
NPR Reports: “Thinly Veiled: Lawsuit Over Steamy Rihanna Video Sparks Debate On Copycat Culture”
Rihanna – S&M by jimihubabua NPR reports on a very interesting recently filed law suit regarding allegations that the pop singer Rhianna’s latest video crosses the line an plagiarizes the photo images of David LaChapelle and thus violates copyright law. The story states: Fashion photographer David LaChapelle is known for…
Northern District of Illinois Rules that State Law Overtime Claims Not Precluded by Prior Dismissal of FLSA Class-Action
When dealing with class-action wage and hour disputes, defendants will try to get the court to dismiss claims by any means that they can, and there are a variety of legal defenses that allow them to do so. At Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso, our overtime lawyers are familiar with all of…
Northern District of Illinois Denies FRCP 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss Brought Against Dialysis Technicians
Because we focus on large-scale overtime class-action lawsuits, the attorneys here at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso have helped clients from many different fields recover their unpaid wages. We think it is important for all of our potential clients out there to understand what kinds of issues arise in wage and hour…
Southern District of Illinois Federal Court Dismisses Minimum Wage Claim for Failure to Plead Sufficient Facts
A motions to dismiss is a weapon that is frequently used in large scale wage claim litigation, as it is an easy and expedient way for defendants to eliminate many lawsuits. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso is an experienced class-action law firm whose Chicago wage and hour attorneys frequently handle overtime disputes,…
Five-Year Statute of Limitations Applies to Enforcement of Arbitration Award, First District Finds
As Illinois arbitration lawyers, we were interested to see a ruling on the statute of limitations for enforcing an award won in private arbitration. Peregrine Financial Group Inc. v. Futronix Trading, Ltd. No. 1-09-2293 (Ill. 1st May 21, 210) pits Peregrine, a commodities brokerage firm, against Futronix, a client that…