Two shareholders and former officers of a closely-held New Jersey company, DAG Entertainment, Inc., sued two fellow shareholders, the company, and a new company formed by the defendant shareholders in U.S. District Court. The suit, Egersheim, et al v. Gaud, et al, alleged eighteen causes of action related to alleged…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Body Shop Resells Junk Cars Without Disclosing Damage Results in Criminal Charges In DuPage County
Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law lawyers near Orland Park and Geneva, Illinois bring suit for auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams such as selling rebuilt wrecks as certified used cars or misrepresenting a car as being in good condition when it is rebuilt wreck or had the…
Odometer Roll Back Fraud — Our Chicago Autofraud Attorneys Bring Suit for Odometer Roll Backs and Odometer Fraud
Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law attorneys near Naperville bring suit for auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams such as selling rebuilt wrecks as certified used cars or misrepresenting a car as being in good condition when it is rebuilt wreck or had the odometer rolled back. Super…
Jury Renders Verdict Against Johnson & Johnson in First Allegedly Defective Hip Replacement Implant to go to Trial
This blog has recently discussed the matter of Johnson & Johnson’s faulty hip implants. The Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) was released in the United States in 2005 and recalled in 2010. It is now the subject of more than 10,000 lawsuits filed against Johnson & Johnson. The first of these…
Emails Becoming Smoking Gun Evidence in J.C Penney
The age of emails has made it more difficult to get away with certain things. One might find it more difficult for example, to insist on one belief or attitude if he has been found to have said the opposite in an email. Such is the case for Ron Johnson,…
Class Action Lawsuit Against LinkedIn for Privacy Breach Dismissed
It is widely accepted that the Internet is not a safe place for private or confidential information. Yet, when sensitive information gets leaked, people look for someone to blame. In some instances, they are correct and can bring a privacy claim especially when they can show direct injury due…
Prior Restraint on Lawyer’s Free Speech Right to Criticize Class Action Settlement Lifted But For the Wrong Reasons
Facebook has long been an issue in the domain of free speech. People post whatever they want in view of the whole world. This time, an attorney was ordered by a judge to stop posting information about a case on his Facebook page even though he was addressing important…
Allegations of Fraud in the Sale of a Business Cause Court to Deny Summary Judgment for Seller in Suit to Enforce Promissory Note – Bu v. Sunset Park Deli of NY
After the seller of a business sued the buyer to enforce a promissory note, signed as part of the sale, the buyer asserted a defense of fraudulent inducement in Bu v. Sunset Deli Park of NY Corp, et al. The buyer alleged that the seller misrepresented the weekly income of…
Dodge Faces a Slew of Class Action Lawsuits Over Allegedly Defective Brakes — Our Chicago Class Action Lawyers Stand Ready to Bring Class Actions For Cars and Other Products with Design Defects
Chrysler’s Dodge Division has suffered a number of class action lawsuits recently regarding the brakes in its vehicles. In December of 2012, one such case was dismissed. Most recently, a class action lawsuit in California against the major car company survived a motion to dismiss, but the judge said…
Schwab Wins Beats Back Class Actions — Our Chicago Business Lawyers Defend Businesses in Class Action Lawsuits
After the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial decision in Concepcion, there has been much debate over the rising tendency of companies to forbid their customers from bringing class actions against them. Another company has recently won another round. Charles Schwab Corp. modified their account agreements last year, prohibiting class-action lawsuits…