Although banks have not generally been looked upon favorably lately, U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald decided to look favorably upon 16 banks seeking dismissal of antitrust allegations, racketeering, and state-law claims. The allegations come from leading suits which had been seeking class action certification and claimed that the banks…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Cass Sunstein Former Chief Regulator for the Obama Administration Discusses the Importance of Ensuring that Consumer Disclosures are Written in Plain English Which Consumers Understand
Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law lawyers near Aurora and Naperville, Illinois bring suit for auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams such as selling rebuilt wrecks as certified used cars or misrepresenting a car as being in good condition when it is rebuilt wreck or had the odometer…
Chicago Federal Court Certifies Class Action Against comScore For Alleged Data Misappropriation
Many people these days take for granted that nothing we do on the internet is private. However, most of us still expect our personal computers and smartphones to remain free from internet stalkers. A recent lawsuit against comScore however, has revealed that this is not always the case. ComScore is…
Court Denies Preliminary Injunction for Alleged Violation of a Covenant Not to Compete – Matter of Richard Manno & Co., Inc. v. Manno
A business sought to enforce a covenant not to compete against a former employee in Matter of Richard Manno & Co., Inc. v. Manno, requesting a preliminary injunction from the Supreme Court of Suffolk County, New York pending the outcome of arbitration. The agreement between the parties was part of…
Supreme Court Doesn’t Require Expert’s Opinion to Meet Daubert Standard in Determining Class Certification
A highly anticipated Supreme Court ruling regarding class certification recently fell a little flat of expectations. While defense attorneys feared the Court’s decision would make it easier for class-actions to attain certification using any evidence at the certification stage, plaintiffs attorneys feared the opposite. They were afraid of the Court…
Illinois Supreme Court Allows for More Type of Circumstances to Determine That Non-Compete Agreement is Enforceable in Reliable Fire Equipment Case — Our Chicago Business Lawyers Handle Non-Compete Lawsuits Throughout the Chicago Area
When determining the legitimacy of restrictive covenants, it is important for judges to consider all requirements of legitimacy and to do so consistently. In a recent case, two former employees of Reliable Fire Equipment, a company which sells, installs, and services portable fire extinguishers and fire suppression and alarm…
Whirlpool Sued in Class-Action Over Cancer Cluster — Our Chicago Class Action Lawyers File Class Actions for Clients Throughout Illinois
With cancer being one of the biggest health scares in our country, it is frightening to think that something as seemingly innocent as a local park might be the cause of it. Whirlpool Park in Clyde, Ohio, so named because it was built by Whirlpool Corp. for its employees…
Audi Settles Class Action Claims for Allegedly Defective Transmission
Car manufacturers provide warranties for their vehicles, promising to pay for most repairs and replacements that the vehicle requires within a certain number of years of purchase of the car or up to a certain mileage. However, if enough cars experience failures of a particular variety after the warranty expires,…
Supreme Court to Hear Same Sex Marriage Case
Our Chicago class action and consumer rights attorneys fight for consumers rights in Illinois and throughout Illinois and the country. Our Chicago class action law firm pursue breach of contract and consumer fraud cases for consumers all over the country and in Kane, DuPage and Cook County Illinois as well…
Supreme Court Interprets Class Action Fairness Act to Prevent Class Representative to Limit Damages for the Class to Below $5 Million to Keep Case Out of Federal Court
In class actions, the plaintiffs have long had the power to determine whether the case gets tried in state or federal court and they have most often chose to keep the cases in state courts. In 2005, Congress adopted the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) in order to limit…