
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Motion to Dismiss Denied in Lawsuit Alleging Law Schools Deceive Applicants to Enroll

  With the economy firmly stuck in a “jobless recovery”, many students feel more pressure than ever to further their education in the hopes that it will make them more employable. Colleges likewise release and advertise the employment rate of their graduates to entice new students to enroll. However, many…


Apple Settles Breach of Warranty Class Action Over Alleged Misuse of Water Damage Claims

  Amidst the many legal and financial troubles it has been facing lately, Apple can scratch one class-action lawsuit off the list. The class-action combined a number of lawsuits that had been filed in San Francisco against the company and dealt with Apple’s warranty policy for its iPhone and iPod…


Court Limits Preliminary Injunction in Non-Compete Case Based on Indefinite Contractual Term – EXFO America, Inc. v. Herman

A communications company sought to enjoin a former employee from working for a competitor or divulging any trade secrets, pursuant to a non-competition agreement signed by the parties. The employee contended that the agreement was unenforceable because it failed to define a key term. The U.S. District Court for the…


Speedway Motors Litigation Continues

While many consider an oral agreement to be as binding as a legal contract, not everyone chooses to see it that way. Bruton Smith, owner of Speedway Motors Inc. (SMI) and Charlotte Motor Speedway, discovered this for himself regarding an agreement he made with Cabarrus County in North Carolina. According…


Criminal Defense Lawyer in Drew Peterson Case Files Libel and Defamation Law Suit

  Far from solidarity in troubled times, the attorneys for Drew Peterson seemed to turn on each other as soon as their client was convicted. Each blames the other for the loss of the case and the dispute will now begin a legal battle of its own. The plaintiff is…


Ford Sued in Class Action Claiming Unintended Acceleration

  While Toyota’s problems with unintended acceleration in their vehicles have garnered much media attention, Toyota is hardly the only car company to experience these problems. Audi experienced similar issues in the 1980’s from which it took them a decade to recover in the American market. Honda, Jeep, Mercedez-Benz, Hyundai…


Sale of Domain Names Used for Online Health Food Retail Leads to Lawsuit for Fraud, Breach of Contract – Inventory Recovery Corp. v. Gabriel

A business sued two individuals in a New Jersey federal district court in Inventory Recovery Corp. v. Gabriel, alleging that the defendants materially misrepresented the details of a sale of several hundred internet domain names. The plaintiff asserted multiple causes of action, including fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach…


Apple Settles Breach of Warranty Class Action Over Allegedly False Claims that IPhones Weren’t Covered by Warranty due to Water Damage

  Amidst the many legal and financial troubles it has been facing lately, Apple can scratch one class-action lawsuit off the list. The class-action combined a number of lawsuits that had been filed in San Francisco against the company and dealt with Apple’s warranty policy for its iPhone and iPod…


Court Decertifies AriZona Ice Class Action Which Alleged All Natural Claims Were False

Many food and beverage companies are labeling their products “Natural”, “100% Natural” or “All Natural” in order to attract more health-conscious consumers. Two such consumers are Lauren Ries and Serena Algozer. Ms. Ries claims she bought an “All Natural Green Tea” at a gas station because she was thirsty and…


Illinois Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Junk Fax Insurance Case

The Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) makes it illegal to send unsolicited advertisements to fax machines. The Act provides that damages in these cases will be equal to the actual monetary loss suffered by the plaintiff or $500 per fax, whichever is greater. In the event that violation of…

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