When a person feels that they have been wronged and seeks redress, there is sometimes debate as to which person or entity is really responsible. In a recent case against Getty Images (US) Inc., the judge agreed that the defendant had been wronged, not by the company being sued.…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Cook County Court Declines to Enforce Bosely’s Non-Compete Agreement
This blog has already discussed new litigation and recent cases regarding non-compete agreements. It may already be obvious that more and more of these cases are being decided in favor of the defendants. Another such case has recently had its time in court and, once again, the defendant came…
Reaching Compromises to Escape a Non-Compete Agreement
Non-compete agreements have become fairly common, especially for those working in the technology field. Many companies are afraid that their employees will leave and take trade secrets and/or customers to their competitors. To prevent this from occurring, most employers require their employees to sign non-compete agreements as a condition…
Libel Complaint Can Proceed Against National Review For Attacking Climate Change Scientist — Our Chicago Slander Lawyers Prosecute and Defend Libel Cases
While scientists have gathered convincing evidence to support the theory of global warming, many remain skeptical. Where the skeptics might find themselves in trouble is when they allegedly wrongly accuse scientists of manipulating data to reach false conclusions. Such is the case with scientist Michael Mann and National Review, which…
Verdict for Defendant in Libel Suite and Award of $100,000 to Defendant Under SLAPP Statute Reversed
Many people file libel lawsuits simply in retaliation against those who acted or spoke out against them. For this reason, once a libel lawsuit has been filed, the first thing the court does under Illinois new SLAPP statute, if the speech at issue involves petitioning the government, is give…
Seventh Circuit Affirms Trial Court’s Judge That Business Failed to Prove Non-Compete Claims — Our Chicago Non-Compete Lawyers Represent Employers and Employees in Non-Compete Agreement Cases Throughout Illinois
Healix and HHI compete in the business of infusion therapy services: administration of substances such as pharmaceuticals intravenously or by any method other than ingestion. Some medical care providers offer these services to patients in their offices. Healix and HHI provide support. In 2007 Healix recruited the Clinic as…
Judge Dismisses Libel Claim By Former NBC Reporter Who Intends to Appeal
The old cliché of a journalist who will do anything for a story might not be too far from the truth if the claims in this case which caused this CBS reporter are in fact true. Such appeared to be the case for Amy Jacobsen when cameras caught her in…
Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Dismissal of Northwestern Professor’s Defamation Lawsuit, Remands for Further Proceedings – Mauvais-Jarvis v. Wong
An appellate court in Illinois reversed a lower court ruling dismissing a defamation lawsuit brought by an associate professor at Northwestern University. Mauvais-Jarvis v. Wong, et al, Nos. 1-12-0070, 1-12-0237 cons., slip op. (Ill. App. 1st Dist., Mar. 28, 2013). The plaintiff claimed that the defendants committed libel against him…
Milwaukee Time Warner Customers File Class Action For Losing Channel 4
The Chicago class action attorneys at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso have decades of experience representing consumers throughout the greater Chicago area and the Mid-West region, including Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. Class action lawsuits give consumers a way to assert their rights in cases of consumer fraud, even if they lack…
Federal Court Applies State Law in Finding Covenant Not to Compete Unenforceable – Fields v. QSP, Inc.
After a woman filed suit against a fundraising company for alleged payroll violations, the company brought counterclaims against her, including a claim for alleged breach of a covenant not to compete. Fields v. QSP, Inc. (Fields 2), No. CV 12-1238 CAS (PJWx), opinion (C.D. Cal., Jun. 4, 2012). The plaintiff…