
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Video — Car Dealership Scams

// Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law attorneys near Schaumburg bring suit for auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams such as selling rebuilt wrecks as certified used cars or misrepresenting a car as being in good condition when it is rebuilt wreck or had the odometer rolled back.…


Some Whistleblower Claims Against Northwestern Settled

  A wise philanthropist is a cautious philanthropist. Many people already know to check a few reputable websites before deciding whether or not to donate money to a particular organization. However, some charities are better than others at making sure that the majority of the funds they receive truly benefit…


US Postal Prepares For Trial in False Claims Suit Against Lance Armstrong

  Lance Armstrong caused an international sensation when he finally admitted to using performance enhancing drugs while competing in the Tour de France. Floyd Landis, Armstrong’s ex-teammate, who has also confessed to doping, filed a whistleblower lawsuit in Washington D.C. against Armstrong in 2010. The lawsuit alleges that Armstrong defrauded…


Doctor Asserts Slander Claims Over Accusation of Negligence During Surgery – Tunca v. Painter

An Illinois appellate court reversed a circuit court order dismissing a doctor’s lawsuit for slander per quod against two colleagues. Tunca v. Painter, et al, 965 N.E.2d 1237 (Ill. App. 2012). Two doctors who worked at the same hospital as the plaintiff alleged that the plaintiff was negligent during a…


Courts Dismisses Defamation Claims Brought as Part of Employment Discrimination Lawsuit – Artunduaga v. University of Chicago Medical Center

An Illinois federal district court dismissed claims of defamation per se and defamation per quod brought as part of a lawsuit alleging employment discrimination, holding that the statements in question amounted to non-actionable opinion. Artunduaga v. University of Chicago Medical Center, at al, No. 12 C 8733, mem. op. (N.D.…


Television Crime Program Reenactment Leads to Defamation, False Light Lawsuit – Butler v. Discovery Communications

A television reenactment of a bombing, in which a man suffered severe injury and his friend lost his life, did not give rise to claims for false light invasion of privacy or defamation, according to an Illinois federal court. Butler v. Discovery Communications, LLC, No. 12 cv 6719, mem. op.…


Sands Casino and Former Manager Trade Accusations

Firing an employee is always a delicate matter. Not only are wrongful termination lawsuits a possibility, but there’s always the possibility that the employee has some information on the company which might be less than flattering. In a recent lawsuit, Steven Jacobs alleges he was wrongfully terminated by Sands China…


Online Defamation — Our Chicago Libel Attorneys Defend and Prosecute Online Slander and Libel Cases

// Our Chicago libel attorneys concentrate in this area of the law. We have defended or prosecuted a number of defamation and libel cases, including cases representing a consumer sued by a large luxury used car dealer in federal court for hundreds of negative internet reviews and videos which resulted…


Estee Lauder Sued in Class Action For Alleged False Claims That Skin Cream Repairs DNA Damage

    The Class Action Lawsuit claims that Estee Lauder’s skin cream claims about repairing DNA are fraudulent. But as unbelievable as it sounds, dermatologist Dr. Jeanette Graf said creams can repair DNA. “Whether it’s in the form of peptides, whether it’s in the form of retinols, whether it’s in…


Campbell’s Soup and American Heart Association Deny Plaintiffs’ Claims in Misleading Labeling Lawsuit — Our Chicago Consumer Lawyers Pursue Consumer Fraud Claims in Chicago and Throughout the United States

  Most Americans are aware that what we eat has a large impact on our health, both short term and long term. Not least among these is the fact that diet plays a major role in heart disease. In order to ensure that they are making the best possible decisions…

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