
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


3rd Circuit and 7th Circuit Federal Courts of Appeal Differ on the Standards For Class Certifification

  Ever since the Supreme Court’s rulings in Walmart and Comcast, denying class certification in those cases, courts have had to increasingly deny plaintiffs class certification. Recently, a rift has appeared between federal courts with different interpretations of what should be acceptable for a class action to proceed. Traditionally, all…


6th Circuit Finds Trip Adviser List of Dirtiest Hotels to Be Protected From Libel Suits as a Statement of Opinion

With various sites on the internet giving ratings to businesses in all sorts of professions, the line between what is protected by the Constitution’s First Amendment and what is not can often get blurry, particularly when the reviews are unfavorable. The trial courts have seen defamation lawsuits pertaining to this…


EA Sports Settles With Ex-Players

  ESPN reports: While current NCAA players fight for their right to make money, a large group of former college football players scored a major victory Thursday. Shortly after Electronic Arts announced it would stop producing a college football game beginning next year, the video game company — together with…


Statements About Business Owner Did Not Constitute Slander or Libel, According to Illinois Appellate Court – Coghlin v. Beck

A business owner who had served as president of a trade association filed a lawsuit alleging slander per se and libel per se for statements made to members of that association and others. She named a former client and her successor as association president, among others, as defendants. After the…


Fox Business Reports: “Lawsuits on the Way Against Nasdaq?” — Chicago Business Lawyers Who Can Help Your Business

Watch the latest video at Super Lawyers named Illinois business trial attorney Peter Lubin a Super Lawyer in the Categories of Class Action, Business Litigation, and Consumer Rights Litigation. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso’s Illinois business trial lawyers have over a quarter of a century of experience in litigating complex class…


Mars Petcare Faces Class Action Lawsuit Filed by Its Factory Workers

  KOAM TV 7 Mars Petcare defends itself after some former workers in Southeast Kansas file a class action lawsuit. Mars Petcare makes Pedigree and other pet foods sold at many major retailers. A former employee at one of Mars Petcare’s manufacturing facilities in Galena, Kansas doesn’t want his identity…


Judge Orders Yelp Review Down — We Defend Consumers Sued For Negative Reviews of a Business

Our business attorneys and consumer lawyers have successfully protected businesses from false reviews online and represented consumers wrongly sued to stop them from posting negative reviews about businesses that commit fraud or mistreat their customers. Our Chicago libel attorneys concentrate in this area of the law. We have defended or…


4th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Rules Clicking Like Button on Facebook can be Protected Speech Under the First Amendment

Many of us have heard stories of people losing their jobs over things said or posted on Facebook. The way we communicate has changed dramatically with the invention and increased use of the internet and employers, employees, and the law are still struggling to catch up. This blog has already…


Equifax Stung With Huge Verdict for Inaccurate Credit Report

For many of us, our credit report is arguably the most important aspect of our financial lives. It can affect whether or not we receive a loan to buy a house or start a new business. It can even affect whether or not a potential employer decides to hire us.…


Autofraud Video — Chicago Autofraud Lawsuits Stop Autofraud

Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law attorneys near Arlington Hts. bring suit for auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams such as selling rebuilt wrecks as certified used cars or misrepresenting a car as being in good condition when it is rebuilt wreck or had the odometer rolled back.…

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