
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Overtime Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against BJC Healthcare System

  A St Louis news station reports: A class-action lawsuit was filed this week in St. Louis Circuit Court on behalf of former and current nurses and medical personnel employed by BJC Healthcare System … The lawsuit, Speraneo v. BJC Health System Inc., d/b/a BJC Healthcare, accuses BJC of failing…


Virginia Supreme Court Rules That Non-Compete Agreements Need to be Tested on a Case-by-Case Basis — Our Chicago Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers Litigate Non-Compete Claims For Employees and Employers Throughout Illinois

  In recent years, courts have largely been ruling against employers in cases of disputed non-compete agreements. A non-compete agreement is a provision in an employment agreement which states that the employee, after leaving the employer, will not compete with the employer for business within a certain time frame and…


Class Certified in Contaminated Property Case Against Shell Oil in Down State Illinois

The issue of ground contamination is an extremely important one for homeowners. With the collapse of the housing market, many people have already found that their homes are worth far less than what they paid or still owe on them. If there has been any kind of chemical leak in…


7th Circuit Reverses Denial of Class Certification in ATM Fee Lawsuit

  While many people grumble about paying the exorbitant ATM fees that are being charged these days, few people know that there may be legal recourse. Until recently, the Electric Funds Transfer Act required ATMs charging a fee to provide two notices to customers: one notice in a sticker on…


Arbitration Provision Does Not Block Class Action Against Chevy Dealer Appellate Court Rules

  Arbitration provisions are appearing in more and more contracts lately, in everything from employment contracts to consumer contracts. With increasing frequency, companies are looking to block employees and consumers access to the courts, in the event that they have a complaint against the company. In a recent class action…


Seventh Circuit Affirm’s Trial Court Decision on Partnership Dispute But Reverses Trial Court on Copyright Issue — Chicago Partnership Dispute Lawyers — Chicago Business Dispute Trial Attorneys

The Seventh Circuit has affirmed most of a district court ruling involving an Illinois partnership dispute involving claims for fraud, excessive partnership distributions and fraud in a trademark application for a corporate logo. The cases highlights that partnership disputes can result in very time consumer and expensive litigation when there…


NPR reports: “Record Label Picks Copyright Fight — With The Wrong Guy”

NPR reports: An Australian record label may have picked a fight with the wrong guy. The label sent a standard takedown notice threatening to sue after YouTube computers spotted its music in a video. It turns out that video was posted by one of the most famous copyright attorneys in…


Pepperidge Farm Sued Over Alleged Food Mislabeling

  Watch the latest video at Our Chicago consumer protection and Chicago class action lawyers are investigating food product mislabeling claims. Our Chicago class action and consumer fraud lawyers have been bringing fraud and class action claims for many years. Our Chicago class action attorneys have brought class action…


Judge Enjoins Enforcement of New York Law Restricting Merchants From Advertising a Discount if Credit Card Isn’t Used as Violating First Amendment Rights

Whenever consumers use credit cards, merchants pay swipe fees, which are typically passed along to all consumers in the form of higher prices. American consumers pay the highest swipe fees in the world—eight times those paid by Europeans. These fees, which amount to about $50 billion annually, are highly regressive:…


Woman Wins $18.6M Lawsuit Over Credit Report Mistake

Watch the latest video at Our Chicago libel attorneys concentrate in this area of the law. We have defended or prosecuted a number of defamation and libel cases, including cases representing a consumer sued by a large luxury used car dealer in federal court for hundreds of negative internet…

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