
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Arizona Court Finds Arbitration Clause Unconscionable

  An arbitration clause is a part of a contract which requires that any dispute between the parties be handled in arbitration, rather than trial courts. An increasing number of companies are implementing these clauses and requiring everyone from their employees to their customers to sign them. The goal is…


New Jersey Supreme Court Requires Mediated Settlement to be in Writing

While courts usually use the law to determine who has the right in a case, supreme courts can sometimes use a case as motivation to create new laws or to modify existing laws. In a recent case, the New Jersey Supreme Court did both of these things. The case, Willingboro…


Johnson & Johnson Pays to $2.2 Billion to Settle Whistle Blower/Qui Tam Fraud Lawsuit

  Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries have agreed on Monday to pay over $2.2 billion to resolve criminal and civil allegations of promoting prescription drugs for uses not approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration – which was first brought to light by a Chicago-area…


Class Action Lawsuit Over Johns Hopkins Gynecologist Moves Forward

    CBS News reports: In a stunning new development, WJZ learns there may be as many as 9,000 victims of a Johns Hopkins gynecologist. Dr. Nikita Levy killed himself after allegations surfaced that he secretly videotaped his patients during exams. Mike Hellgren tells us what else his victims claim…


Internet Auto-Fraud and Other Internet Fraud Scams

  Watch the latest video at How to avoid internet auto fraud, intimidation and extortion. Our Chicago autofraud and Lemon law attorneys near Hinsdale and Western Springs bring individual and class actions suits for defective cars with common design defects and auto dealer fraud and other car dealer scams…


Ford Settles F Series Truck Class Action

  As with all relationships, business partnerships can sometimes turn out to be more trouble than they are worth. Such was apparently the case in the relationship between Ford Motor Co. and Navistar. Beginning in 1994, Ford had Navistar build every Power Stroke engine used in Ford’s F-Series. However, the…


Covenants Not to Compete Used to Tie College Football Coaches to a School

  As of late, employers have been using non-compete provisions in their contracts with their employees with increasing frequency. A non-compete provision is part of a contract which prohibits a worker from going to work for a competitor of the employer after they leave the company’s employment. These provisions usually…


Virginia Federal Court Certifies Class Alleging That Energy Companies Cheated Property Owners Out of Natural Gas Royalties

It is an age old question. If a company finds and harvests gold on someone else’s property, to whom does the gold belong? The company that harvested it or the person who owns the property that the gold was found on? This is the question around which several class action…


Aaron’s Furniture Rental Chain Sued in Class Action For Allegedly Spying on Computer Rental Customers

  Many people these days have come to accept as a fact of modern life that corporations have, and use, some of our personal information. Our browsing history, our shopping history, etc., all get recorded and sold by companies like Facebook and Google. However, according to a new class action…


Overtime Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against BJC Healthcare System

  A St Louis news station reports: A class-action lawsuit was filed this week in St. Louis Circuit Court on behalf of former and current nurses and medical personnel employed by BJC Healthcare System … The lawsuit, Speraneo v. BJC Health System Inc., d/b/a BJC Healthcare, accuses BJC of failing…

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