Non-disclosure agreements exist so that companies can safely have discussions about developing ideas of technology without worrying about one company stealing the trade secrets of another. However, the language involved in the non-disclosure agreement is crucial. The line between what information is confidential and what information is not confidential…
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog
Alternatives to Non-Compete Agreements Become Popular With Employers
As this blog has discussed, non-compete agreements have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. However, they have also grown in severity in some companies, such that they frequently impose undue hardship on an employee’s search for future employment. As a result, courts in some states have grown increasingly unfavorable towards…
Settlement in Miley Cyrus Jewelry Class Action Alleging Jewelry Has Dangerous Levels of Cadmium
Many consumers frequently rely on important information provided by the manufacturer of a product in order to determine whether or not to buy that product. If a product does not list a particular ingredient, such as gluten, which is a protein found in many processed foods, consumers will frequently…
Overly Broad Non-Compete Agreements are Not Enforceable
As the popularity of covenants not to compete increases, the competitive practices which are prohibited by those agreements also seem to grow. However, there are laws in place which ensure that covenants not to compete that are deemed too stringent cannot be upheld in a court of law. One of…
Consumers Beware — Don’t Contract Away First Amendment Rights to Give Negative Reviews of Businesses
Our Chicago defamation, slander, libel, cyberbullying and First Amendment attorneys concentrate in this area of the law. We have defended or prosecuted a number of defamation and libel cases, including cases representing a consumer sued by a large luxury used car dealer in federal court for hundreds of negative internet…
US Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Securities Fraud Class Action and to Consider Fraud on the Market Damage Theory
Class action status is an important tool for plaintiffs in many different types of lawsuits. It gives plaintiffs strength in numbers when filing lawsuits against large corporations. It also allows plaintiffs to collect claims which would normally be too small to justify filing a lawsuit if the plaintiff were…
7th Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Consumer Fraud Claims Against Wachovia
While lawsuits have become increasingly common in today’s society, they have grown no less costly. Because of the cost and time consuming nature of lawsuits, plaintiffs should be advised to thoroughly consider every line of their contracts, as well as the law, before taking a person or company to…
NCAA Loses Injunction Ruling in Class Action Regarding Use of Player Images in Video Games
Generally, when filing a lawsuit, the plaintiff has one of two aims: to reap payment for damages incurred; or for the court to order an injunction against the defendant. Many plaintiffs seek both. In the current case against the NCAA regarding the rights of student athletes, the plaintiffs have…
HSBC Hit With $2.5 Billion Class Action Judgment
Some companies might want to make sure to be very careful before making large acquisitions. Otherwise they might find themselves fighting a legal battle for something the company being acquired did years ago. Such is the case for HSBC Holdings Plc, a British bank, which has recently been hit…
Court Rejects Volvo’s Motion to Decertify Class Action Involving Sun Roofs That Leaked Due to a Defective Design
With the Supreme Court make the criteria for class certification more stringent, cases are still getting certified in the consumer protection and fraud area for products with common design defects. In a recent case against Volvo, a class action of consumers has been certified for a lawsuit against the…