
Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog


Class Action Against State Auto For Allegedly Inflating Home Values to Inflate Premium Revenues Can Proceed Ohio Federal Court Rules

The cost of everything goes up with inflation and insurance is no different. As the value of our things increases with time, it makes sense that people would want sufficient coverage for all of their belongings. This can become an issue though, when insurance companies insist on raising the limits…


Department of Labor Settles Alleged Unpaid Overtime Case with LinkedIn

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is responsible for maintaining safe and fair working conditions for all employees working in the United States. One of the main responsibilities that the DOL has is educating both employers and workers of the rights provided to employees under laws such as the federal…


Attorney General Madigan Brings Consumer Fraud Claims Against Student Loan Debt Settlement Companies

Whenever there are large loans, there are bound to be targets for debt settlement companies. These are companies that tell borrowers that they will negotiate lower monthly fees for the borrower in exchange for a hefty upfront fee. They convince borrowers to pay them hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars,…


Chicago Based Federal Appellate Court Remands to Reconsider Denial of Class Certification

The landmark decision not to certify a class of plaintiffs in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes has made it increasingly difficult for classes of plaintiffs to achieve certification. This is largely a result of the fact that the court in Wal-Mart determined that the class failed to meet the commonality…


Did Family Trust Allow Shelly Sterling to Sell the LA Clippers? Court to Decide That Issue in Upcoming Trial.

The fate of the Los Angeles Clippers has been unsure ever since the owner, Donald Sterling, made headlines with some racist remarks he made that were recorded and released to the media. On the tape, Sterling is heard deriding his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, for having her pitcture taken with black…


Supreme Court to Decide if Threats Made on Facebook in Rap Lyrics are Protected Speech Under the First Amendment

As Americans, we love to cite the First Amendment of our constitution any time someone doesn’t like what we say. The one that says that we can say whatever we want without worrying about prosecution. In reality, though, that’s not quite true. The First Amendment does indeed protect freedom of…


Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Decision Regarding Procedures Regarding Remand to State Court of Actions Removed Under the Class Action Fairness Act

In the United States, we have multiple venues for addressing conflicts. Lawsuits that are filed can be handled by either the state or the federal courts or if there is an arbitration agreement preventing use of the courts through a private trial. In general, federal courts only handle large cases…


Vertical Fitness Escapes Liability in Junk Text Class Action

With the invention of cell phones and prepaid plans, people suddenly found themselves getting charged for promotional calls and texts made by various companies. Cold calling was a standard sales technique for most companies for decades, and while some consumers may have found them obnoxious, they were never actively harmful.…


LA Clippers Settle Junk Text Class Action By Providing Thousands of Tickets

For decades, calling customers, or potential customers, about a promotion was standard practice for most companies. Of course, many consumers found this to be annoying, but it was never overtly harmful. That changed with the advent of cell phones and prepaid plans. When landlines were the norm, the caller paid…


Sixth Circuit Protects Rights of The to Republish Content Even if it is Libelous under Communications Decency Act

Although there are laws in place to prevent entities and citizens from harmful comments, such laws have to tread carefully to avoid stepping on the toes of the First Amendment to our constitution. The line got even thinner when the Internet was developed. Now people are free to broadcast their…

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