
Internet Law Expert Larry Lessig Speaks on How Copyright Law Is Strangling Creativity on the Internet

Larry Lessig gives an interesting and entertaining lecture on how copyright law is strangling creativity on the internet:

Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Illinois, Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represents clients in business litigation throughout Illinois, the Midwest and the United States. We represent Chicago area businesses of all sizes, from family-owned small businesses to large corporations and partnerships. Our Oak Brook business attorneys also handle claims of trade libel and online or internet based defamation of a product, service or business, as well as unfair competition and other business claims. If your business is facing or wants to bring a lawsuit including on online infringement and unfair defamation of your products or services, we can help. To set up a consultation with one of Chicago business law attorneys to learn more about us, please contact us online or call us toll-free at 630-333-0333.

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