
Class Action Complaint Alleges that Yelp Extorts Businesses to Manipulate Reviews On Its Website


Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represents businesses caught on either side of a dispute about online or offline defamation of a business or its products or services. Our Chicago business attorneys have assisted our clients in removing damaging and false reviews from internet review sites run by their competitors. Self-publishing on the Internet, and sites like Yelp, make it easy for individuals to publish false information about a competitor or a business they don’t happen to like. Online business libel laws balance the need to protect small businesses from false and damaging information with the First Amendment right to free speech. Our Illinois trade libel and trade disparagment attorneys represent both plaintiffs and defendants in claims regarding false and misleading claims; deceptive online publishing; misuse of a trademark, logo or other identifying feature. You can contact one of our Nationwide Class Action attorneys at 630-333-0333 for a free consultation or contact one of our Chicago class action attorneys us online.

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