
Articles Posted in Non-Compete Agreement / Covenant Not to Compete


Are Anti-Poaching Agreements on the Way Out? — Elmhurst and Oak Brook Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers

A free market requires a free labor market, and yet many of the politicians who claim a free market as a central component of our democracy actively work against the formation and maintenance of a free labor market. A free labor market means workers are free to work for the…


WeWork Must Redraft its Covenants Not to Compete — Best Chicago Area Non-Compete Agreement Attorneys

The Non-Compete All contracts are subject to scrutiny before the law, especially when a dispute arises, including employment ones.  The importance of fair and just contracts always comes up in the media spotlight and the courts.  If a contract is too much in favor of one party who has far…


When Getting It in Writing Isn’t Enough — Best Chicago and Oak Park Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers

While it’s always a good idea to put agreements in writing, taking that step isn’t always enough to guarantee that everyone involved will continue to abide by the terms of the contract, even if they all sign their names to it. When one or more parties violates the agreed-upon terms,…


Can Other States Compete With the Massachusetts Non-Compete? — Top Chicago Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers Near Evanston

When entering into the employment domain, covenants are imposed on employees restricting what they can and cannot do once they leave the job. Violations and restrictions are what employers often look for when they wish to seek enforceability of a contract that was entered into when employees decide to move…


The Role of the Janitor: Never Overlooked, Even in Legalese — Aurora and St. Charles Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers Near Naperville

Janitors can be seen as caretakers of a building; custodians. Their role can be either undermined or seen as part of what makes the world go around. They have also hit headlines recently when it comes to the push to have their pay raised. Their recognition has made its way…


Employer Contract Agreements with Employees: Give Scope, Give Room! — Chicago Non-Compete Agreement Lawyers Near Elmhurst and Oak Brook

When entering into the employment domain, covenants are imposed on employees restricting what they can and cannot do once they leave the job. Violations and restrictions are what employers often look for when they wish to seek enforceability of a contract that was entered into when employees decide to move…


Grace Restaurant Non-Compete Agreement Lawsuit — Chicago Restaurant Employee Non-Compete Agreement Attorneys

Trendy big-city restaurants are often here today, gone tomorrow. Such is the case with Grace, a hot West Loop eatery that earned three Michelin stars, a bevy of industry awards, and was the most coveted reservation in Chicago before its owner abruptly closed the restaurant late in 2017. Now, Grace’s…


Follow the Trend, Don’t Compete!

Courts and now legislators are competing against the trend of non-compete clauses in employment agreements. For it is Democratic leaders that have joined the bandwagon in terms of wanting to prohibit the use of covenants not to compete nationwide. Per Senator Warren’s press release, implementation of the clauses will reduce…


Democratic Senators Trying to Bring the Noncompete Ban to The National Level

Some states, such as California, North Dakota, Montana and Oklahoma already ban non-compete agreements throughout the state, including agreements that were signed in other states where non-compete agreements are recognized. But now Democratic U.S. Senators are looking to expand such bans all over the country. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and…


Noncompete Agreements Cannot Include Potential Clients or an Entire Industry

Sometimes a stray email is all it takes to send things into a spiral. In the case of Karen D’Onofrio and her former employer, Vacations to Go, such a stray email led D’Onofrio to sue her employer for allegedly violating her rights under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The…

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