Every business has employees, and as business litigators, the attorneys at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso pride ourselves on being knowledgeable about all the areas of law that affect our clients, including employment laws. Our Orland Park business attorneys recently discovered a case that has an impact on companies who utilize employment…
Articles Posted in Non-Compete Agreement / Covenant Not to Compete
Consideration in Illinois Noncompete Agreements: How Much Is Enough? LKQ Corporation v. Thrasher
In order to hold an employee or former employee liable under an agreement not to compete, an employer must offer the employee some form of consideration in exchange for the employee’s promise not to compete with the employer. The Northern District of Illinois tackles the difficult question of how much…
Northern District of Illinois Grants Motion to Dismiss in Trade Secrets Case Due to Lack of Personal Jurisdiction
After hiring someone, businesses expect not only that their new employee will perform his job adequately, but also that he will do no harm to the company or its ability to do business. Employers know that their expectations are not always met by those employees, which is why the use…
Video on Illinois Covenant Not to Compete Law
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvhcNrJ3u8 The above video provides an excellent overview of Illinois non-compete contract law. Our Chicago non-compete agreement attorneys have defended high level executives in covenant not to compete and trade secret lawsuits. A case in which our firm defended a former Motorola executive was covered in Crain’s Chicago business. You…
Northern District of Illinois Federal Court Grants Motion to Strike Plaintiff’s Request for Injunctive Relief in Breach of Contract Case
Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso has successfully litigated many business disputes, and in our many years of experience we have found that contract claims are among the most contentious conflicts. Because so many of our clients deal with breach of contract issues, our Elmhurst business attorneys are always mindful of new court…
Appellate Court of Illinois Orders in Camera Review of Potentially Privileged Documents in Action for Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Business litigation is necessarily an adversarial process – the stakes are high and as such the opposing parties in most lawsuits will fight over many issues during the case. One of the most contentious segments of any case is the discovery process. Because the information obtained during discovery can make…
Detroit Pistons Owner Sues Competitor and Ex Employees for Alleged Trade Secrets Theft
Our Chicago trade secrets attorneys were interested to see a recent trade secrets lawsuit coming from the high-dollar world of professional sports. Palace Sports & Entertainment, owner of the Detroit Pistons basketball team, is suing rival venue and sports company Olympia Entertainment Inc., plus nine ex-employees who moved to…
Enforcing Noncompetition Agreements is Tricky Business
Any business owner should keep abreast of laws and court rulings that can affect the way they conduct their operation and interact with employees. The law constantly evolves, and that is why our lawyers are vigilant in tracking changes that affect our clients. Citadel Investment Group v Teza Technologies is…
Video Explaining that an Employer’s Material Breach of an Employment Agreement Can Invalidate a Non-Compete Agreement
Our Chicago non-compete agreement attorneys have defended high level executives in covenant not to compete and trade secret lawsuits. A case in which our firm defended a former Motorola executive was covered in Crain’s Chicago business. You can view that article by clicking here. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso handles litigation over…
NRP Reports: “HP Sues Ex-CEO Hurd Over Oracle’s Job Offer”
HP Sues Ex-CEO Hurd Over Oracle’s Job Offer by Richard Gonzales NPR reports: Mark Hurd recently was fired from his job as CEO of Hewlett-Packard after a scandal involving an extra-martial relationship. One of HP’s main tech rivals — Oracle — wants to make Hurd its co-president. That’s prompted HP…