Trademarks can be trickier than a lot of people realize. Although it would be wonderful to simply tell the government you’re trademarking something and rest assured that it will be protected from that point on, the realities of applying for and protecting one’s trademark status are much more blurry. This…
Articles Posted in Internet Trademark Litigation
NPR Reports: Spotify Faces Class Action For Copyright Infringement
NPR reports: Spotify, the groundbreaking streaming music service, is facing a class-action lawsuit alleging that it violates the copyrights of thousands of independent musicians. If the songwriters prevail it could cost Spotify tens of millions of dollars in unpaid royalties. And according to experts in the music industry, this may…
NPR Reports: “Inspiration Or Appropriation? Behind Music Copyright Lawsuits”
NPR reports: Where do you draw the line between inspiration and appropriation when it comes to musical compositions? That question is at the heart of several high-profile court cases, including the recent “Blurred Lines” trial and a current copyright-infringement lawsuit involving “Stairway to Heaven.” But it isn’t always easy to…
Getty Images Can Use Chi-Lites Image to Promote the Sale of its Images
When a person feels that they have been wronged and seeks redress, there is sometimes debate as to which person or entity is really responsible. In a recent case against Getty Images (US) Inc., the judge agreed that the defendant had been wronged, not by the company being sued.…
Court Awards $6.6 Million to Company Alleging False Advertising, Trademark Infringement, and Cybersquatting – Skydive Arizona, Inc. v. Quattrocchi
The internet, which is still a new phenomenon to many areas of the law, has greatly expanded the potential for infringement of trademarks and personal names. The act of registering someone else’s trademark or personal name as an internet domain name without authorization is known as “cybersquatting.” While proving a…
Court Orders Customer to Take Down Customer Review on Yelp
Our Chicago defamation and libel attorneys represent consumers and businesses in internet defamation and libel suits including consumers who have posted negative reviews of businesses on the internet. We also represent businesses who are the victims of misleading websites set up by competitors to poach business. The First Amendment provides…
AP reports: “Judge: Movie Studios Can Subpoena Internet Users’ Names, Data In File-Sharing Cases”
Movie Studios Can Subpoena Internet Users’ Names, Data In File-Sharing Cases AP reports: A federal judge on Friday allowed the holder of a movie copyright to subpoena the names of people accused of illegally downloading and distributing a film over the Internet. Courts have held that Internet subscribers do…
Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court — Our Chicago Business Law Attorneys Prosecute and Defend Online Defamation Suits
The below article on internet defamation appeared in the New York Times: Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court Stephen McGee for The New York Times Justin Kurtz with his car, which was towed from his apartment complex parking lot near Western Michigan University. By DAN FROSCH Published:…
Internet Law Expert Larry Lessig Speaks on How Copyright Law Is Strangling Creativity on the Internet
Larry Lessig gives an interesting and entertaining lecture on how copyright law is strangling creativity on the internet: Based in Chicago and Oak Brook, Illinois, Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represents clients in business litigation throughout Illinois, the Midwest and the United States. We represent Chicago area businesses of all sizes, from…
Google Sues for Declaratory Judgment That Keyword Advertising Does Not Infringe
Google, the target of multiple online trademark infringement lawsuits, made a preemptive strike back in early August when it countersued the named plaintiff in a pending case against it. According to law professor Eric Goldman’s Technology & Marketing Law Blog, Google sued John Beck Amazing Profits, LLC, in the…