
Articles Posted in Class-Action


Bayer Sued in Class Action for Alleged False Brain Power Enhancement Claims for Flintstones Vitamins Containing DHA

New science is always coming out to tout the benefits of this or that new drug or supplement. Recently, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been touted as instrumental for maintaining a healthy brain. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that constitutes a primary structural component of the human brain, as well…


Our Chicago Class Action Attorneys are Looking to Speak with Alleged Victims of Alleged Supplement Scam Who Purchased Supplements From Walgreens — NY Attorney General Investigates Alleged Supplement Scam

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has strict standards for prescription drugs before they can be sold to the public. They must undergo rigorous testing to validate their ingredients and effectiveness before being allowed to go to market. Not everyone wants to take prescription drugs though. Many people prefer…


Claims Against Apple Relating to Apple Messenger Losing Texts Can Proceed

Communicating with other people is arguably the only reason we own and maintain phones. As soon as cell phones became widely available, text messages became a primary means of communication between friends and family. It is therefore understandable that a cell phone user would become upset if prevented from accessing…


Class Action Filed Against Linkedin for Alleged Privacy Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act was enacted in 1970 to protect consumers from being unfairly denied a mortgage, rental apartment, or job based on incorrect credit histories. With the advent and growth of the Internet and social media, the Act has all sorts of applications that its creators could never…


New Studies Find Class-Actions Benefit Consumers

Many people believe that decisions made in courtrooms have little to do with anyone other than the people directly involved in the lawsuits, but that is not the case. When courts make a ruling, they have to consider not only the circumstances of the case before them, but how their…


Red Bull Settles Class Action to Resolve Actions Accusing it of Associating the Drink with Concentration and Performance Enhancement

Does Red Bull really give you wings? According to two recent consumer class action lawsuits against the maker of the energy drink, it does not. Although most of us don’t consider it a basis for a lawsuit when we fail to grow wings after drinking Red Bull, the lawsuits do…


New Complaint in GM Class Action Alleges GM Knew About and Covered Up Unsafe Condition of Certain Models That Now Allegedly Have a Lower Value

When buying a car, there are many aspects to consider before deciding what to buy. Aside from cost, car buyers tend to be most concerned with safety and performance. No one wants to drive a car they don’t feel safe in. The reputation of the company making the car is…


Class Action Claims Brought Against Home Depot and Rust-Oleum for Allegedly Defective Restore Liquid Armor Coating — Our Chicago Product Defect Lawyers are Investigating Restore

Companies often invest a lot of money in the products they sell, especially new products that have recently been released. They spend money on advertising and they sometimes train employees in retail stores to conduct demonstrations of their new product. One company that recently launched a new product and talked…


Plaintiff in Class Action Bears the Burden of Proving Case Belongs in State Court 7th Circuit Rules

Under the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA), defendants in a class action lawsuit are able to have the case moved to federal court. This law was enacted to prevent plaintiffs from “forum shopping”, or filing their lawsuit in the court that they knew would be most favorable to their side.…


Wage Theft on the Rise — Our Chicago Class Action Lawyers Sue for Unpaid Overtime

The courts of the United States have seen an exponential rise in the number of wage and hour lawsuits that get filed every year, but the cause of this rise is unclear. Worker advocates allege that “wage theft” has become far too prevalent in our nation’s current economy. Many blame…

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