
Articles Posted in Business Disputes


Business Owners Beware, Make Sure Your Employment Agreements are Clearly Written and Reasonable

Every business has employees, and as business litigators, the attorneys at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso pride ourselves on being knowledgeable about all the areas of law that affect our clients, including employment laws. Our Orland Park business attorneys recently discovered a case that has an impact on companies who utilize employment…


Illinois Appellate Court Dismisses Lawsuit Between Truck Manufacturer and Franchisee

Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso represents clients from many industries who operate all kinds of businesses, including both franchisors and franchisees. Our Aurora business attorneys came across an appellate decision from the Fourth District here in Illinois that involves a dispute that arose out of a franchise agreement between a heavy-duty truck…


Appellate Court Rules that Adding an Arbitration Clause to an Insurance Agreement Does Not Constitute a Change in Coverage under Illinois Law

Workers’ compensation insurance is a necessary part of doing business for many companies, so the attorneys at Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso are always on the lookout for emerging legal issues in that area. Our Naperville business attorneys recently discovered a decision rendered by the Appellate Court of Illinois that is significant…


llinois Appellate Court Rules that a Relocation Provision in a Commercial Lease Must Abide by State Regulations

Earlier this year, the Appellate Court of Illinois handed down an opinion that has implications for businesses with leased premises. Our Aurora business attorneys found Bright Horizons Children’s Centers LLC v. Riverway Midwest LLC, which is a dispute regarding a commercial lease that was initially filed in Cook County. Bright…


Appellate Court Overturns Grant of Summary Judgment in Successor Liability Case

For many business owners, they operate their companies with the hopes that they will continue to be successful ventures long after they are gone. However, both low level and senior personnel eventually move on, and businesses may have obligations to their surviving family members. Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso is familiar with…


The Illinois Securities Act of 1953 Does not Apply to Common Law Damages Claims for Breach of Fiduciary Duty by Sellers of Securities

As a Chicago law firm that focuses on business litigation, Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso pays close attention to shareholder lawsuits filed in Illinois’ courts. Our Elmhurst business attorneys discovered a case filed in the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, Fourth Division that answers questions regarding the appropriate statute of limitations…


Directors Are Not Liable for the Torts of Employees Unless Personally Involved, but Should Still Keep a Close Watch Over What Corporate Officers are Doing

There are hundreds of new cases filed in Illinois courts every day, and many of those cases involve business disputes. At Lubin Austermuehle DiTommaso, we pride ourselves on staying on top of new court filings so that we know of changes in the law as they happen. Our Waukegan business…


Federal District Court Exercises Supplemental Jurisdiction Over Counterclaims Regarding Ownership of Employee-Created Farm Equipment Patents

Most companies encourage their employees to innovate and come up with ways to improve the processes, products, and service of the business. Such improvements may be patentable inventions, and it is important for business owners to establish who owns that intellectual property and protect any IP that accrues to the…


Fraud Magazine Reports: “In the Wake of Significant Legislative Changes, the Civil False Claims Act Hauls in $3 Billion in Fiscal Year 2010”

  Fraud Magazine reports on the new changes in federal false claims act. The article states: A 123-year-old law now has new teeth to better fight today’s tricky fraudsters. Enacted in 1863, the U.S. federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3733 (FCA), was designed to fight unscrupulous contractors during…


Appellate Court of Illinois Upholds Circuit Court’s Rescission of Oral Agreement to Jointly Purchase a Gas Station due to Fraudulent Misrepresentation

When starting a new business venture, choosing the right partners is one of the most important decisions any company owner will make. Unfortunately, not all partnerships work out, and in some instances that is due to the dishonest machinations of fellow owners. Our Elgin business attorneys recently discovered one such…

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