
Articles Posted in Breach of Fiduciary Duty


Illinois Supreme Court Puts the Kibosh on Energy Company’s Stolen Corporate Opportunity Claims against Two Former Employees

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled recently that an energy company could not sustain a claim for stolen corporate opportunities against two of its former business developers. In doing so the Court overturned a ruling by the appellate court which had revived the stolen corporate opportunity claim. The ruling, which many…


Court Revives Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Shareholder Oppression Claims against Lumber Executive Accused of Diverting Profits to Son’s Company

An Illinois Appellate Court recently revived a breach of fiduciary duty and shareholder oppression lawsuit filed by minority shareholders against the president, director, and majority shareholder of a lumber company. The suit accused the majority shareholder of diverting nearly a million dollars from the lumber company to a separate company…


Delaware Court Dismisses WeWork’s Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claims against Investor Softbank

WeWork’s meteoric rise in popularity and its unceremonious descent back to earth have kept WeWork in the news over the past few years. WeWork’s decision to sue two of its largest shareholders last year seemed no less newsworthy. In a recent development in this ongoing litigation, a Delaware Court of…


Claim for Indemnification Under Stock Purchase Contract Was Timely

A company that provided administrative and payroll services was acquired by a bank under a stock purchase agreement. The agreement provided for the escrow of $2 million dollars, that was to be released to the sellers after a period of time had passed after the sale. Several months after the…


Disgruntled Investor Unsuccessful in Seeking to Hold Regulator Liable for Broker’s Conduct

A disgruntled investor sued the organization that regulates registrations for certain securities brokers after he lost his investment. The investor argued that the securities broker had a history of misconduct dating back more than 30 years and should have had his membership revoked under the organization’s bylaws. The investor claimed…


Purchaser of Economic Interest in LLC Lacks Standing to Bring Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claim

After the plaintiff purchased an economic interest in an LLC at a UCC sale, she brought claims for breach of fiduciary duty and breach of good faith and fair dealing against the manager of the LLC. The plaintiff alleged that she was entitled to inspect the books and financial documents…


Company Owed $92 Million in Taxes After Making Bad Loans to Founder’s Son and Attempting to Write them Off

A business made loans to the son of its founder and never required the loans to be repaid. The business later attempted to write off the loans as bad debts or as ordinary and necessary business expenses. The IRS pursued the business, seeking $92 million in back taxes. The company…


Maryland High Court Officially Recognizes Independent Cause of Action for Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Maryland’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, recently settled a longstanding question regarding whether Maryland law recognized an independent cause of action for breach of fiduciary duty. With its opinion in Plank v. Cherneski, the Court resolved an area of confusion that has troubled Maryland courts for more than 23…


Pharmaceutical Company Did Not Violate Securities Act During Stock Buyback

AbbVie, a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Illinois, was sued by a trading firm after it conducted a Dutch auction to determine the price for its tender offer to repurchase shares of its own stock. Shareholders participated in the auction, offering to sell their stock back to AbbVie, and the lowest…


Railroad Operator Loses on Appeal Because It Failed to Properly Present Arguments

A railroad switch carrier sued a railroad operator alleging that the operator took advantage of its position as a majority shareholder in a joint venture to force the joint venture company to agree to a contract with atrocious and unfair terms. The switch carrier alleged that the contract forced the…

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